Year 1386, Year of the boar سال 1386 خورشیدی سال گراز

1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007





در اوايل هزارة اول پيش از ميلاد مسيح، يعني در حدود 3000 سال پيش، مردمي كه بين سفيدرود و جلگه هاي مرتقع عمارلو و اشكور مسكن داشتند به آن درجه از تمدن و هنر رسيده بودند كه مجسمة خوك وحشي را كه در جنگل هايشان زياد ديده ميشد با گل قرمز كه در دسترسشان بود بصورت تصنعي طوري مجسم نموده اند كه امروز به آساني ميتواند در كنار جديدترين شاهكارهاي هنر مجسمه سازي در بزرگترين موزه هاي دنيا قرار گيرد و با كار هنرمندان عصر حاضر رقابت نمايد. اين مجسمة خوك وحشي يا گراز امروز در يكي از مجموعه هاي خصوصي در تهران حفظ ميشود واز ناحية فوق بدست آمده است.


People born in the Year of the Boar are honest and tolerant and make good friends, but tend to expect the same from everyone else, and more often than not they end up disappointed. They thrive in the arts as entertainers.

People born in the year of the boar are always flying the white banner of purity.  Whatever their ambition, they do what they must with all the strength they have, for their strength is an inner strength that no one can overcome.  There is neither left nor right nor retreat when a boar person sets out to do something.  He has tremendous fortitude and great honesty.

Boar people don't make many friends, but when they do, they make friends for life, and anyone having a boar-year-born person as a friend is indeed fortunate.  Boar people don't talk much, but when they finally say something, they let it all come out at one time, and there is no shutting them up until they have finished.  Like monkey people, they have a great thirst for knowledge.  They study a great deal and on the surface are generally well informed.  However, if their knowledge is probed, it will be discovered that what they knows is limited.  The Japanese saying is that such a person is broad in front but has a narrow back.

Boar people are quite short-tempered, yet they have quarreling or arguments.  They are affectionate and kind to their loved ones.  They are shy and if they encounter any problems, they will not ask for outside help but will seek solutions to their problems by themselves.  Boar people are advised not to get into lawsuits, for, being impulsive and hones, they will lose the suit to someone who is unscrupulous.


گراز گيلان گراز گيلان (Sus scrofa attila) كه به گويش گيلكي خوك ناميده مي شود پستانداري از راسته زوج سمان است كه نشخوار كننده نبوده و قادر است تا سالي دو بار جفت گيري و زايمان نمايد. اين جانوران شگفت انگيز بومي ايران بوده و آثار فرهنگي بسياري مربوط به آن ها از ايران باستان بجا مانده است. گرازها همه چيز خوار و شب گردند اما در مكان هاي امن روزها نيز ديده مي شوند. طول عمري در حدود 20 سال داشته و در هر فصل زايمان كه معمولا بهار است تا 12 بچه نيز همراه آن ها ديده مي شود. مدت بارداري حدود چهارماه و نيم و سن بلوغ 5/1 سالگي است. داراي بويايي قوي بوده و مسافت هاي زيادي را در حدود بيست كيلومتر با سرعت متوسط چهل كيلومتر در ساعت براي خوردن غذا در هر روز رفته و باز مي گردند كه در مسير خود از انواع بذر درختان جنگلي، حشرات، مهره داران كوچك، لاشه و قارچ ها تغذيه مي كنند. رنگ نوزاد اين جانوران تا 8 ماهگي متفاوت با والدين و متشكل از نوارهاي طولي تيره و روشن است. صداي گرازها اغلب به صورت خرناس كشيدن بوده و صداي دندان قروچه آن ها بسيار در جنگل شنيده مي شود. گرازها شناگران ماهري نيز بوده و تقريبا در همه زيستگاه هاي ايران بجز مناطق كويري ديده مي شوند.





،از آن سالی که پشت برج من هر روز جنگی بود وحشتناک 
قبیله ی گرگ را با قوم سگتول و گراز و خوک 
،و می کشتند شیر و پیر هم را بی غم و بی باک 
از آن هنگام تا امروز 
هنوزم می ترنجد پشت و لرزد پرده های گوش 
ز غوغای تفنگ و توپ ، آن تق تاق ، و آن غرش 
و رگبار مسلسل ها 
که می زد دمبدم شلاق بر اعصاب 
چنان زنجیری از آتش 
از آن

گراز، در عين حال كه براي كشاورزان، مزارع و باغها زيان آورند، براي طبيعت نافع و سودمندند. بنابراين شكار اين گونه جانوران نيز براساس ضوابط و شرايط خاص صورت مي گيرد به اين ترتيب كه اجازه دفع اين حيوانات پس از استعلام از معاونت محيط طبيعي و تنوع زيستي سازمان و تعيين تعداد قابل شكار اين وحوش به حدي كه لطمه اي به تنوع‌زيستي كشور وارد نكند توسط اداره كل نظارت و بازرسي صادر مي شود، سپس دفع آنها توسط مأمورين سازمان، ميرشكاران محلي، شكارچيان مجاز و يا توسط نيروي انتظامي يا بسيج صورت مي گيرد.

موضوع شكار خوك وحشي از ساير حيوانات زيانكار مجزاست. از آنجا كه گراز حيواني حرام گوشت است، شكار اين حيوان در ميان اقليتهاي مذهبي ايراني به مزايده گذاشته مي‌شود و برنده مزايده براساس شرايط و ضوابط خاص تعيين شده توسط سازمان، از تاريخ انعقاد قرارداد با سازمان تا پايان سال، اقدام به شكار خوك وحشي نموده و از آن در جهت منافع شخصي خود استفاده مي‌كند.

Are you prepared for 1386?

In 2007 we have the #2 black Star (Ju Men) visit the centre earth palace that can cause conflict, contagious disease, arguments and it could be a year of uprising in western countries that have been subject to crippling taxes direct and indirect or anything to do with the authorities. 2 black is a star of bad luck, sickness, fire related incidents, contagious disease to do with the stomach or any illness caught airborne; regrettably 2007 will not be an easy year for the world although there are many good parts to the year as well and we have entered an age where people are becoming more aware of their environment and also alternatives to a better life.

There are many other predictions for 2007 but as you know we don't like making the really negative aspects too in-depth as the power of the mind is extremely powerful and can manifest the problems. Where there is bad though there is always good and 2007 should be good for females and younger people taking positions of power and possibly the reason why we may see some rebellion with younger people taking power with better fresh ideas.

Those born in the year of the Pig/Boar may be affected by the conflicting influences of the year of the fire Pig/Boar 2007. In saying this, we hope that those born in the year of the Pig/Boar are aware of potential difficulties they may encounter during the year 2007 and take extra care in whatever they do without taking excessive risks. The degree of influence varies from one person to another. One of the major considerations is the heavenly stem of the year in which one was born, so those who were born in 1971 (metal Pig/Boar) will have a rougher ride than those born in 1959 (earth Pig/Boar).



پس سال ، شش قسمت آشکار ، و یک قسمت پنهان داشته است. ... در روایات مانده نزد زرتشتیان دید که " خوک و گراز" حیوان مقدس بهمن شمرده میشود. ...


Eleventh in the cycle, Boar Years follow the Dog years and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Boar  Year actually begins.


Diligent, courageous and hates quarrels. Sensitive, indulgent and cultured with a streak of earthliness. Can be self-indulgent to the point of gluttony. Can also be insecure. The Pig is also a perfect friend although not a deep thinker and rather materialistic, not good at handling money but fortune is always around her.

Sensitive, indulgent and cultured with a streak of earthliness. Can be self-indulgent to the point of gluttony. Can also be insecure. The Pig is also a perfect friend although not a deep thinker and rather materialistic, not good at handling money but fortune is always around her.


Of all God's Children   I have the purest heart. With innocence and faith, I walk in Love's protective light. By giving of myself freely I am richer and twice blest. Bonded to all mankind by common fellowship, My goodwill is universal And knows no bounds. I am the Boar


Year of the Boar

What sign in the Chinese Zodiac are you?

Rooster 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Dog 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
Boar 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
Rat 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
Ox 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Tiger 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Rabbit 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011
Dragon 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Snake 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013
Horse 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014
Goat 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015
Monkey 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004


Year of the Boar:

A year of goodwill to all. An excellent climate for business, and industry in general will prevail. People will be more free and easy on the whole and the complaisant attitude of the Boar will generate a feeling of abundance. But in spite of the favorable auspices here, like the Boar we will hesitate, waver and undermine our own abilities when opportunity calls.

The Boar's year is one of plenty. La dolce vita is very much advocated and practiced by the sensual Boar. If life is worth living, it mist be lived to the hilt. Such is his motto. The Boar is as lavish with gifts as he is with affection. He takes pride in being chivalrous and extravagant. It would be ill-advised to overspend this eyar of make sizable investments without thorough investigation. We may also come to regret impulsive acts of generosity made on the spir of the moment.

The fortunate Boar carries with him contentment and security. This is one year in which you could be happy without having or needing a lot of success or money to make it so. There will not seem to be many hurdles to overcome and the placid Boar radiates a sense of well-being. Still, a great deal of prudence is recommended in money matters, as the Boar is always susceptible to swindlers.

This year will find us entertaining a lot more than usual and getting ourselves involved in all sorts of charitable and social functions. We find it a lot easier to make friends in the Boar's tolerant and expansive atmosphere.

Watch out for excesses, though, as the Boar tends to overindulge himself in anything when given the opportunity. Weight watchers will have a tough time and may face losing (or rather, gaining) battles.


Famous Boar

Hubert Humphrey Prince Rainier Francoise Sagan Field Marshal Montgomery Ernest Hemingway
Ronald Reagan Lee Kuan Yew King Hussein Chiang Kai-shek Humphrey Bogart
Lucille Ball Maria Callas Julie Andrews Andrew Jackson Alfred Hitchcock
Merle Oberon Henry Kissinger Bibi Andersson
  John D. Rockefeller
Rosalind Russell   Woody Allen   Al Capone
Prince Bernhard
Danny Glover Arnold Schwarzenegger Albert Schweitzer

Famous people born in the Year Of The Boar:
Bamber Gascoigne, Dudley Moore, David Bowie, Elton John Gerry Rafferty


Greatest Affinity : Rabbit, Sheep
Greatest Enmity : Snake


The Lunar Years Of The Boar In The Western Calendar

Starting Dates Ending Dates Element
January 30, 1911 February 17, 1912 Metal
February 16, 1923 February 4, 1924 Water
February 4, 1935 January 23, 1936 Wood
January 22, 1947 February 9, 1948 Fire
February 8, 1959 January 27, 1960 Earth
January 27, 1971 February 14, 1972 Metal
February 13, 1983 February 1, 1984 Water
January 31, 1995 February 18, 1996 Wood
February 18, 2007 February 8, 2008 Fire



PREDICTIONS FOR-1386- 2007 (Year of Fire Boar)


كارتهاي سال نو 




The starting time of Persian (Iranian) New Year ( NOWROOZ ) زمان تحویل سال 1386 خورشیدی در 145 شهر جهان



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