رييس جمهوری آمريکا خطاب به مردم ايران گفت "من امشب به مردم ايران می گويم: همانگونه که شما برای کسب آزادی خود ايستادگی می کنيد، آمريکا نيز در کنار شما ايستاده است."
George Bush, in his State of the Union address on Wednesday:"To the Iranian people, I say tonight: As you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you,"
رئيس جمهور ايالات متحده آمريكا رژيم ايران را حامى اصلى ترور در جهان خواند
George Bush said Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons while depriving its people of the freedom they seek and deserve.رژيم ايران در حاليكه اسلحه اتمى ميسازد حق آزادى مردم را كه خواهان ومستحق آن هستند ناديده گرفته است Bush called Iran the "world's primary state sponsor of terror" and reiterated his accusations that the country is striving to develop nuclear weapons, ... "We are working with European allies to make clear to the Iranian regime that it must give up its uranium enrichment program and any plutonium reprocessing, and end its support for terror,"...Article
اوکراين هم موشک داده است شش فروند از دوازده موشك با قابليت هستهای كه به روسيه فرستاده شده بود از ايران سر در آورد و شش موشك ديگر نيز از چين سردرآورد
Rice will find Europe worried about Iran
Businessman faces new charges in Iranian nuclear probe
Mohammad Farahbakhsh, 43 indicted on new charges spelling out a scheme to sell prohibited equipment to Iran. Farahbakhsh sold computer parts from National Instruments, an Austin, Texas-based company to..Article...
I can't return to Iran because they will kill me. "Iranian refugee has nowhere to go" to Iran because they will kill me
وزيرخارجه جديد امريكا در مصاحبه با سی ان ان ايران عامل بی ثباتی درعراق و خاورميانه است
General Electric Won't Accept New Business Orders In Iran
Recorded HIV/AIDS cases rise in Iran
The Best Way to Change Regimes in Iran..
The majority of the population consists of under-25-year-olds who are frustrated and unhappy, and who use the Internet and satellite TV as outlets.Opposition leaders, university activists, journalists and bloggers who have dared voice criticism of the regime are in jail. Iranians desire a regime change but feel impotent to bring it about themselves. Most would welcome the help of the United States.Street uprisings can be provoked with the use of Iranian opposition satellite T.V based in Los Angeles, which has a huge following here and has played a big role in uprisings in the recent past. Iran, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq, has a full-fledged opposition movement already demanding a referendum to change the constitution.The regime is so unpopular, so ready to fall, that instead of military action.The best way and most efficacious way to change in Iran is...Read more...
فراخوان: نقض حقوق بشر و وضعيت اسفناک زندانيان
سياسی در ايران
Nuclear Heat Rises Over Iran
When Israel dispatched F-16 bombers almost 24 years ago to destroy Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor in Osirak, the pilots knew they only had to hit a single target.Were Israeli or U.S. planes to be sent today to neutralise Iran's nuclear programme, the mission would be far more complicated: with Iranian facilities spread out, the pilots would have to strike targets across the country, and none of them a large, clearly identifiable reactor.Read more...
آينده ايران در بروكسل رقم خواهد خورد
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